Want to know the top 5 ways to save money while moving home?
Moving house is quite the experience. It is a rollercoaster of emotions and can feel like there is a never ending list of things to do! It can also get quite expensive as there are many services that you may require and things that need to be organized and sorted while in the moving process.
Here are 5 tips to help you save some money during the moving process…
- Organize and Declutter
It’s not until we move house that we realize just how much we own! Especially if the house has been lived in for a long time, furniture, material possessions and ‘junk’ can build up over time as we grow into our homes. By decluttering first, you can create space, reduce the amount you need to take with you and can then organize it all easily. The less you own, the less you pay; you will be saving on packaging materials and the time needed to be spent by movers if you choose to use them. Additionally, you can even make money by going down this route as you can sell whatever you are wanting to get rid of!
- Packaging materials
Packaging materials are necessary when moving so that you can easily get from A to B. They can cost quite a bit and often we underestimate how much we need. Bubble wrap, tape, cardboard boxes, newspapers, packing cubes, they all add up and create a lot of waste. However, you don’t need to fork out on all of these materials; use towels, blankets, scarves, even sweaters! Using what you have around the house can help you save money and also help protect the environment by using less plastic and non-recyclable materials.
- Pack yourself
Many people choose to hire a company to pack their belongings as it is easier than doing it yourself while trying to fit in work around the chaos of packing. However, if you make a schedule and pack things yourself over a period of time, it will save a considerable amount of money. You could even get family and friends to come over to help you!
- Hire a removal company or move it yourself?
Hiring a removal company takes the hassle out of your hands, as they load up and transport all of your worldly possessions from your old house to the new one. Most companies will then offload all of the furniture and belongings into your new home, and it saves you a lot of time. However, it can be quite costly, especially if you are moving on a weekend as prices are higher due to demand.
- Child/Pet care
If you have children and/or pets, moving day can be a stressful time, particularly for our 4-legged friends. It is often best to keep them out of the way, so try to organize some care arrangements with family and friends. This will save money on expensive childcare and also on kennel/cattery fees for your pets!
We hope this list of tope 5 ways to save money while moving home has been helpful for you, and that if you are moving any time in the near future, good luck!